Applying for the 2018 Local Food Grant? Learn more by tuning into our webinar

Food Well Alliance is investing up to $250,000 to support local food entrepreneurs, garden-based educators and community organizers who are collaborating, innovating and using best practices to connect fresh, locally-grown food to communities across Metro Atlanta through our 2018 Local Food Grant.

To learn more about the 2018 Local Food Grant, please register here for our webinar on Wednesday, August 16th from 4:00pm - 5:00pm EDT.

The webinar will offer helpful tips for completing the Local Food Grant application and will help applicants think through how their current work around local food or future local food projects align with this funding opportunity.

Webinar attendees will also learn about using the online grant system to complete and submit their application and hear about the Food Well Alliance funding priorities for this opportunity. Register now!

If you have an idea that puts local growers at the center of your work to increase production and encourage consumption of healthy local food across Fulton, Dekalb, Clayton, Gwinnett and Cobb counties - then you could be the next to receive a Local Food Grant.

Visit here to start and submit your application by September 22.